Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2020

Terry called the meeting to order at 8:35 pm

Motion was made to approve the minutes from January 13, motion passed.


·         Cd worth $2,715 closed out and moved it into checking

·         We currently have $3,879 in checking after paying the scholarships



·         Musicians have been reserved for the Halloween dance

·         We will discuss other details at our next meeting



·         Speaker amp is broken, and we need $115 to replace the amp.

·         The amp keeps going out and it is no longer under warranty.

·         Terry is to call White House to replace the amp.

·         Motion to approve replacement of the amp, motion carried. 



·         RSCDS to adopt procedure, details to follow



·         We need volunteers to update our table display and materials.

·           It was suggested that people bring in photos for our display



We are now an affiliate group and we pay 45 pounds ($55) a year to be a group.  If we want to be a branch it would be 20 pounds ($25) for dancers 25 years, or older.

·         Questions that were brought up, were:

·         How many people are in the Branch?

·         Is it just more of a prestigious thing?

We could be represented in the votes, but it would be a lot more of an effort.  We are now qualified to become a Branch if we would like to.

It would be $40 / year for our annual dues instead of $15 that we now pay.

We will discuss further at our next meeting.


Open positions to be filled are:

·         Vice President

·         Treasurer

·         2 at Large Members



·         Everyone is invited to attend graduation on March 25 for the beginner dancers at the Mequon/Thiensville location

Motion to adjourn at 9:07 pm

Next board meeting May 11, 2020.

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Last modified June22, 2020 PG