Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Board of Director
May 8, 2006

Attendance: Sr. Dorcas Baker, Hilary Forbes, Paul Gunderson, Ron Hankes, John McCormick, Ken Phipps, Vicki Phipps, Rebecca Sinclair.

Spring Dance: Dekoven Center on Saturday May 20th, followed by a pot luck meal and pool party. The dance program has been set and information is posted on the web site. John is encouraging members to sign up to brief the dances. Paul accepted the position of MC and Vicki will print programs and cheat sheets to distribute at the dance. Rebecca is unable to attend and will find volunteers to welcome people and collect money.

Slate of officers for 2006/7: President: Paul Gunderson
                                             Vice President: Ken Phipps
                                             Treasurer: Chuck Garrigues
                                             Secretary: Hilary Forbes
                                             At Large: Ron Hankes
                                                              Janice Lacock

Treasurers Report: We have $175 income from Demo's so far this year we expect the total for the year to be at least $375. The charge of $5 a month for on-line banking was questioned, Ron will ask Chuck to look into this for us. Statement of current financial activity for this year was presented and after some discussion the budget for 2006 was agreed.

Next Meeting will be the General Meeting on June 5th at St Paul's.

Respectfully submitted by
Hilary Forbes

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Last modified May 21, 2006