Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General
Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2006 7:30 p.m.

Attendance: Denise Babin, Sr. Dorcas Baker, Louis Bernbeck, Jane Collier, Hilary Forbes, Chuck Garrigues, Patricia Garrigues, Paul Gunderson, Diana Hankes, Ron Hankes, Janice Lacock, John McCormick, Ken Phipps, Vicki Phipps, Sr. Letitia Prentice, Rebecca Sinclair, Fiona Tranter, Rob Tranter,

Minutes of 2005 annual meeting were amended and accepted.

Finance: Rebecca S. explained the Budget / Actual expenses for 2005 and presented the budget for 2006. The income and expenses for 2006 YTD were reviewed and compared with 2005. A motion to accept the budget was moved by Denise B, seconded by Ken P and approved unanimously.

New Business: Vicki P. thanked retiring officers and presented the slate of officers for 2006-07:
Vice President/President Elect 2007-08: Ken Phipps
Treasurer: Chuck Garrigues
Members at Large: Ron Hankes & Janice Lacock
Continuing Officers: President - Paul Gunderson
                                  Secretary - Hilary Forbes
Ex Officio members: Teachers Sr. Dorcas & John McCormick
Motion to accept slate of officers was moved by Diana H, seconded by Denise B. and approved unanimously.

Wisconsin Scottish Highland Games: We have been asked to participate in the Games. Possibilities are a booth, dance participation, demo and opening tattoo. After some discussion we decided not to have a booth but would like to join with Madison for an evening dance if possible. Rebecca is waiting for more details.

Halloween Dance: St. Paul's hall has been requested for the last Saturday in October. John M. will coordinate the dance.

Meeting adjourned at 7.55pm

Submitted by
Hilary Forbes

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Last modified July 2, 2006