Milwaukee Scottish Country Dancers
Annual General
July 16, 2018

Present: K. Phipps, V. Phipps, R. Winnie, L. Garner, T. Garner, N. Stangler, C. Sterling, J. Fitak, S. Fitak, P. Gunderson, P. Garragues, D. Hankes. J. McCormick ex officio.  Quorum present, meeting called to order at 7:20 p.m.

I.                     Minutes of the 2017 AGM accepted as distributed.

II.                   Treasurer’s report distributed, discussed and approved.

a.      The “teaching video” item is superfluous and will be deleted. Multiple teaching videos are available on line.

b.       The group remains financially viable after disbursement of the TAC scholarships.

III.                 Election of Board of Directors for 2018-2019.  The following slate was elected by acclimation.

a.       President – Becky Glamm

b.       Co-Vice-presidents - T & L Garner

c.       Treasurer -   V. Phipps

d.       At Large – D. Hankes

IV.                Old Business

a.        An ad hoc board meeting previously approved the disbursement of the TAC scholarships to T. Garner and R. Winnie.

b.       A revised RSCDS web site is being constructed. Our group has submitted the requested group profile for inclusion on the site.

c.       The concept of videoing our “signature” dances is still viable. As a start on the more ambitious project of having our videos included on the international Scottish Dictionary the suggestion was made and approved to continue our efforts to video one dance for inclusion on our web site.

                                   i.      T. Garner will continue to hone skill in the video process after the 2018 TAC.

                                   ii.      A general consensus of members present committed to the project, understanding much practice will be needed.   

V.                  New Business

a.       Suggested changes to the bylaws were distributed to members a month ago.

                                   i.      Section 2 – The fiscal year shall be July 1 through June 30.

                                   ii.      Section 6 - Terms of office shall start on August 1.

                                   iii.      The changes were approved.

b.       Change in the amount of dues and Halloween Dance fees.

                                   i.      T. garner moved to raise the yearly dues to $15 – seconded and approved

                                   ii.      C. Sterling moved to raise the fee for the Halloween dance to $15 – seconded and approved

                                   iii.      Maintenance of a close association with RSCDS is one of the aims of our group.

1.       Payment as an Affiliated Group will be paid yearly until such time as we become a Branch

2.       Membership in the international organization will become an increasingly important construct as we become a branch with multiple teachers.


VI.                Announcements

a.       K. Phipps  announced the dates and times of our involvement at the Highland Games

                                   i.      He will not be attending the games, the liaison will be done by the

                                   ii.      A demo for the Friday opening of the games will be done and audience participation events will be held both Saturday and Sunday of the games

b.       October Halloween Program

                                   i.      The program is complete, crib sheets and list of dances will be on the Web site

                                   ii.      The “manual” of preparations for this event has been constructed and will be shared with new board members.

                                   iii.      J. Fitak will construct the programs  for the Halloween dance..

                                   iv.      P. Gunderson will distribute PR info to the appropriate sites.

c.       Other

                                   i.      L. Garner has accepted the task of scheduling the Monday evening classes with the respective venues (St. Paul and Our Lord)

1.       She is seeking new site(s) that have more pliable flooring than Our Lords

a.       Valley View Yoga Studio at 5307 S. 92nd Street may become available.

b.       Members agreed to a price of $50 per Monday session if this site becomes available

c.       Hankes will report back on this issue.

                                   ii.      Dance Works is not available on Monday evening but can be rented on an ad hoc basis at other open times.

VII.               Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.  It is generally agreed that more than one board meeting per year is advisable. The next Annual meeting will be held on the third Monday July 2019.


Minute taker: Diana Hankes pro tem

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Last modified July 27, 2018 PG